Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 130 (Season 4 Episode 32) English & Urdu Subtitles Free

Watch Kurulus Osman Episode 129 (Season 4 Episode 31) English & Urdu Subtitles Free

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Kurulus Osman Episode 129 Summary

In Kurulus Osman Episode 129, EyvALLAH Salur Bey, EyvALLAH. EyvALLAH. We will not let go of it. We won’t. We will defend it. We will defend it. Come here, you bastards! This is the last castle of Turks! You won’t pass here! We won’t let you pass! Come here. Come here. There are tracks. That’s his sign. Over here. Come on. Come on Orhan. Come on son. Come on son. Come on. Come here. Come here. Come here. Jump. Come here.

Come here, you bastards. Osman! You could have died alone in the forest. But you’re hiding in this tribe. This will only increase the number of people who’ll die alongside you. We’ll see. We’ll see about that. How long can you run for Osman? I thought you were brave. It was never true! People of the tribe! You don’t have to die with Osman. Give him to me. And I’ll forgive you. Giving up Osman Bey means giving up Turk’s freedom.

Osman Bey is the Turk’s leader! This is the Turk’s land. Come at us with all you have. We won’t fall so easily. We won’t fall so easily! I only gave you a chance. You’ll all die together. And it’s your choice. Come and try Tekfur. We’ll die before we give you Osman Bey. Come at us. Come at us! Sons. Salur Bey. Our people! We won’t fall so easily. Attack! Wait. Wait. Wait. Now! ALLAH is the Greatest! Shield wall!

ALLAH! ALLAH is the Greatest! ALLAH is the Greatest! ALLAH is the Greatest! Oh Haqq! ALLAH is the Greatest! ALLAH! ALLAH is the Greatest! They found our tracks. Is there any news about Osman Bey? Where is he? We’re looking for him too Bala Hatun. The traces show this way. What trace? Bala Hatun. There were blood traces. What will we do now Bala Hatun?

The closest tribe here is Salur Tribe. He must’ve taken shelter there. We’ll go there. Come on. ALLAH is the Greatest! ALLAH is the Greatest! ALLAH is the Greatest! ALLAH is the Greatest! My boy, we’re out of arrows. We can’t hold for long. It’s time Dad. Wait now. You get ready. They’re out of arrows. Attack. Now. ALLAH. What a useless effort to stay alive. Whatever he does both Osman and his kids will die today.

My bey. They’re constantly coming, what are we going to do? We don’t have any other move, Dad. No sons. Today we’ll either fall as martyrs or will stay on Turk soil. It is not ever a son’s destiny to say the Shahada with his father, dad. I’m happy. The undeniable end is Shahada’s dad. Either now, or late. InshALLAH while we have each other’s back. While we have each other’s back sons.

While we have each other’s back people. ALLAH. Attack. I’m here Osman Bey. Bala. Create a shield wall. Nayman. Don’t fall. Don’t fall apart. We need more man. Tekfur. I’m not you Nayman. I don’t accept failure. Tekfur not now. We’re going back. We’re retrieving. ALLAH. This is Turk soil. ALLAH is the Greatest! No. There’s still no word. I’m worried about both Osman and the sons.

I can’t wait anymore. Malhun Hatun. If you go now you’ll put both yourself and your kid in danger. Wait for a bit more Malhun. A bit more. I know your test is a hard one but Yenisehir is under your care. If you don’t think about yourself, think about your child. We’ll have good news soon InshALLAH. The word came. Osman Bey is okay and they’re coming. Thank ALLAH. Thank ALLAH. Thank ALLAH. Do you see?

Kurulus Osman Episode 129 (Season 4 Episode 31) with English, Urdu & Spanish Subtitles

Watch or Download Kurulus Osman Episode 129 English Subtitles (Kurulus Osman Season 4 Episode 30), Kurulus Osman Episode 129 Urdu Subtitles. Kurulus Osman Episode 129 release date is 7th June 2023.

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